Vse za popolno čistočo.
V podjetju Triliant d.o.o. vam nudimo čistila in pripomočke za čiščenje ter čistilne stroje, ki vam olajšajo čiščenje različnih površin, težje dostopnih mest in različnih vrst umazanije.
Naša čistila in pripomočke za čiščenje uporabljajo vsi, ki se srečujejo s higieno, posebej pa hoteli, restavracije, pivovarne, vinarne in druge turistično gostinske obrati, kjer je skrb za čistočo še posebej pomembna in mora biti na visoki stopnji.
Nudimo vam:
- Stroje za čiščenje trdih in tekstilnih tlakov ter sesalnike
- Čistila za profesionalne kuhinje
- Čistila in pripomočke za čiščenje v prehrambenih obratih
- Toaletni papir in brisačke ter industrijske role
- Hotelsko kozmetiko in osvežilce zraka
- Čistilne in hotelske vozičke
Z veseljem vam bomo predstavili vse kar potrebujete za popolno čistočo. Za več informacij prosimo, da nas pokličete na 040 82 30 22 ali nam pošljete mail: info@triliant.si
Everything for perfect cleanliness.
Triliant d.o.o. offers you chemicals, cleaning products and cleaning machines for various surfaces and for various types of dirt. Our cleaning utensils make it easier to clean hard-to-reach surfaces.
Our products are used by entities operating in various business activities, especially in hotels, restaurants, bakeries, vineries and breweries, where the care for cleanliness is especially important and should be at a high level.
Our sales program includes:
- Machines for the cleaning of hard and soft presses and vacuum cleaners
- Cleaners for professional kitchens
- Cleaners and cleaning devices in food establishments
- Toilet paper, wiping and industrial rolls
- Hotel cosmetics and air fresheners
- Cleaning and hotel trolleys
We will be happy to present you everything you need for complete cleanliness. For more information, visit our website www.triliant.si or by e-mail: info@triliant.si