The Future of Design and Manufacturing

Since 1992, PRIOR inženjering empowers teams and professionals in various engineering disciplines by helping them choose, adopt and master the tools they need in order to be able to shape the future. We are focused on providing solutions for: mechanical and architectural design; management of land, facilities and infrastructure; creation and management of technical documentation and planning and execution of manufacturing process.

The way things are envisioned, designed and built is currently going through dramatical transformation. Increasing complexity of products, demand for mass customization, shorter and more agile design cycles, collaboration with dispersed desing teams, global suply chains and outsourced production are only few of the challenges companies are facing today in order to be competitive and profitable.

Future oriented companies and professionals understand that it is difficult to keep up the pace while relying on old fashioned processes and 2D design tools. Our mission is to help them thrive through adoption of new technologies like additive manufacturing, generative design, computational simulation and cloud based desing and execution platforms.

Part of our portfolio of particular interest to IFAM visitors is Autodesk Fusion platform. We will be showcasing Autodesk Fusion at booth A-100 together with our coexhibitors 3DPrintaj and we will put particular stress on CAM/CNC and 3D printing.

PRIOR inženjering d.o.o.
Savska cesta 106
10 000 Zagreb
+385 1 3011 602

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