Tuesday, 11.2.2025
Predstavitev projektov Digitop, HyBReED, Nachip in Nextistence
Lokacija: Desni prizidek dvorane A
Multimedijska predstavitev in osebno svetovanje se bo odvijalo na njihovem razstavnem prostoru vsak dan ob 11. uri in ob 13. uri.
Business forum
Collaborative robots, a new type of intelligent robotic system, leverage AI and digital systems to work alongside humans, facilitating the execution of complex technological tasks with greater flexibility and adaptability to infrastructural changes and specific production requirements. Artificial consciousness enables robots to comprehend the physical and social context of the workplace more quickly and reliably in environments where there is technologically driven cooperation between biological systems (human workers) and technological systems (intelligent service robots). Enhanced perception and mutual understanding, improved predictability, intuitive communication between partners, and developed awareness (self-awareness, awareness of surroundings, and behavior control) are crucial features for collaborative systems in Industry 4.0, whether it involves human-robot or robot-robot cooperation.
Aleksandar Rodić graduated in 1985 at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade and received master and doctoral degrees from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, in 1992 and 1998, respectively. Since 1987, he is with the Robotics department of Mihjalo Pupin Institute, Belgrade, whose Head of department currently is and vice-president of the Institute’s Assembly. He was elected a scientific advisor in 2009. Professor Rodić’s primary research interests are in the fields of robotics, control engineering, artificial intelligence, remote operated intelligent systems, smart agriculture, etc. He is a visiting professor at the University of Révinion (France) 2004-2014 and at the University of Technology in Anhui (Republic of China) from 2014-2019. He is a professor of Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade and is a member of the Advisory Board for Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology in the period (2011-2016) as well Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Software (2017-2026) with the Ministry Science, Technological Development and Innovation of Republic of Serbia.
Business forum
In his presentation, Alfred Larsson will explore the challenges in robotics and explain how advanced robotics unlock new possibilities in automation. He will present a real-world application: a Modularized Automated Decanting System. This innovative solution features a mobile manipulator equipped with a collaborative robotic arm and a 3D camera, designed to decant larger containers with boxes. Integrated with an ERP system, it ensures seamless inventory tracking, highlighting Agile Robots’ expertise in addressing industry challenges.
Meet Alfred Larsson, Sales Manager and leader of the Sales & Business Development team at Agile Robots. With extensive experience and a strong technical background in industrial automation and robotics, Alfred brings a global perspective and deep expertise in diverse automation technologies. He looks forward to sharing how Agile Robots is bridging the gap between AI and robotics, and how advanced robotics are unlocking new possibilities in automation.
Business forum
The maintenance and asset management software for small, medium and large companies offers the possibility to store all types of data:
working assets – machinery ID, inventory, real estate, etc.; spare parts; contractors; repairers; suppliers; maintenance workers and helpers;
periodic calendar and reminders / prevention; emergencies – interventions / curative; status traffic lights and statistics by hours of maintenance, machines, costs and other statistics with printouts.
Wednesday, 12.2.2025
Business Forum
This presentation introduces the fundamental principles of metal 3D printing, emphasizing innovation, available materials, practical applications, and benefits for industrial manufacturing. We will spotlight EOS technology, a global leader in metal 3D printing, and explore how it enables faster, more precise, and efficient production.
Join us to discover how this cutting-edge approach unlocks new opportunities across various industries.
The program is used for automating modeling, topological optimization, and generating lattice structures. Through several examples we will demonstrate how complex structures can be generated more quickly and reliably.
Make sure to save your spot at IFAM and learn about the latest advanced technologies, including generative design solutions with nTop, and how they can take your business to the next level.
Multimedijska predstavitev in osebno svetovanje se bo odvijalo na njihovem razstavnem prostoru vsak dan ob 11. uri in ob 13. uri.
The World Metaverse Council in collaboration with HIPROJECT d.o.o. and the Industry 5.0 Institute organize this exclusive event.
Explore key Industry 5.0 innovations and buisness opportunities.
- Hydrogen technologies-Sustainable solutions for industry & energy
- AI & Web 4.0 – Process optimization & smart manufacturing
- Industrial Metaverse & HR -New approaches to product design & customer interaction
Business Forum
As a progressive company from Hanover, Germany, we develop and distribute innovative automation technology and industrial electronic products. This includes ready-to-install control panels, display modules, Mini-PLCs and other devices.
akYtec was founded in 2010 by experienced and highly qualified specialists from the fields of electronics development and automation technology. The company focuses on developing and distributing industrial automation technology, such as controllers with integrated touch screens. Integrating external technology and manufacturing partners allows akYtec to adapt flexibly to customer needs at any time. akYtec brings together key technologies and know-how to develop products.
Regional Business Development Manager working in akYtec an automation equipment production company. Responsible for business development of new markets, client relations and sales, managing key clients, coordinating with distributors, building long-term business relationships with partners, lead generation, market and product research with focus on the European market.
Professional with more than 5 years of experience in Business Development and Consulting in the US and European markets with a strong focus on the automation machinery, BMS and HVAC industry.
Experience cutting-edge XR technologies, VR solutions & Industry Metavesre!
Thursday, 13.2.2025
Business Forum
Predavanje razkriva, kako sodobni stroji “vidijo” in razumejo svet okoli sebe. Osredotočili se bomo na ključne tehnologije, kot so triangulacija, strukturirana svetloba, Time-of-Flight (ToF) in stereo vid, ter njihove aplikacije v industriji in robotiki. Spoznali boste, kako 3D vid omogoča robotom natančno manipulacijo predmetov, avtomatizacijo procesov, pregled kakovosti in še več. Razpravljali bomo o prednostih in omejitvah teh metod ter primerih uporabe v industriji. Če vas zanima prihodnost pametne avtomatizacije, je to predavanje prava izbira za vas!
Jure Susman, mag. inž. el., je v podjetju Tipteh kot prodajni in aplikativni inženir zadolžen za področje strojnega vida ter identifikacije v logistiki.
Multimedijska predstavitev in osebno svetovanje se bo odvijalo na njihovem razstavnem prostoru vsak dan ob 11. uri in ob 13. uri.