Exhibitor profile
Who will exhibit?
Visitors profile
Who are the visitors of ROBOTICS?
All companies who belong to the sector of Robotics.
- Robot manufacturers – industrial robots, service robots, mobile robots, co-bo robots, special robots, etc
- Robot modifiers
- Robot diagnostics
- Robot maintenance equipment
- Robot distributors
- Robot Simulation Systems
- Robot Research Agencies
- Robotic Solution providers
- Robot periphery
- Robotic parts and components suppliers
- Robotics Software – standard and task-specific applications for industrial robots
- System integrators
- Robotic engineering
- Programming for robotics
- Publishers
- Associations, societies, non-governmental organizations
All the branches of industry who want to invest in future technologies effectively. Technical specialist and decision-makers from the following sectors:
- Aeronautics
- Advanced manufacturing
- Applications &cross-platform development
- Automotive industry
- Chemistry
- Construction industry
- Computing
- Education
- Electronics
- Food processing
- Furnishing
- General services
- Health care
- Home & Lifestyle
- Infrastructure & Connectivity modules
- Logistics and operation
- Mechanics
- Metallurgy
- Military / Premises security
- Shipyard industry
- Pharmacy - Cosmetology
- Plastic processing
- Platform & Network management
- Sensors and nodes
- Smart buildings / Smart Cities
- Textile industry