The Slovene industrial robotics started in 1979 when Institute Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana, in cooperation with Institute Mihailo Pupin, Belgrade, developed the robot GORO1 and the control unit CNC Stefan 8001 was built. In 1981 GORO1 was introduced in the Gorenje spray painting process. In 1982 GORO1 was replaced by GORO 102. In 1981 the forging robot GORO 80 was developed. Both robots were exhibited in 1982 in Portorož to Yugoslav and American robotics scientists.
The second part describes the Slovene strategic research and development project” RRE ROBOTIZATION” (1985-1990). At the same time six Yugoslav republics, guided by the Yugoslav Chamber of Commerce formed the YUROB conferences, Seminars in Opatija (in April each year) and Industrial robotics commercial exhibition in Ljubljana (each September). In 1987 the Yugoslav government started the Yugoslav project robotization, but in 1990 Yugoslavia collapsed and it was not realized. By 1990 135 robots were installed in the Slovene industry.
The period 1990-2020 in Slovenia is characterized by changes of the society from a self-government socialistic system to a democratic society and market economy. These changes triggered fast growths of robotization (by 2019 around 1500 robots operated in Slovenia).