Inkolteh d.o.o. – company for specialized digitization of production processes.

Industry 4.0 offers opportunities that dictate rapid development and many changes in the production process. Inkolteh d.o.o. with its expertise, offers the user support in the entire cycle of digitalization of production from design, equipment, system implementation, validation, training and all the way to the maintenance of the information infrastructure. Cooperation with companies in various industries enables them to constantly develop new knowledge and technologies for an efficient transition to digital business.

Inkolteh d.o.o. will focus on the ccLEAP system at IFAM, which is a product of its own development and represents a simple digital transformation. The flexible information system enables customization according to the needs of various production processes. Visitors will be able to see the operation of a mini smart factory, which is a practical example of the implementation of digitization in the production system. With their knowledge and professional staff, they will advise you in choosing products and services that will provide you with an easy and fast entry into the path of digital transformation.

Kolodvorska ulica 35c
2310 Sl.Bistrica, Slovenia
+386 229 275 07

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