Optical Metrology in Production

Metrology in manufacturing is migrating its role from quality control to being integral to the manufacturing processes whether it be near-line or in-line. Utilizing the metrology data immediately to adapt manufacturing processes is becoming the new norm with ‘time-lagged off-line quality control no longer serving the new dynamic employed in state of the art manufacturing following the Industry 4.0.

Current trends in advanced manufacturing metrology include:

  • Automated solutions replacing manual measuring systems
  • Relocation of measuring systems from quality room to manufacturing floor
  • Quality measurement for statistical process control

Visit GOM ScanCobot and talk with Topomatika d.o.o. experts in HALL A2, booth A2-001.

Industrijska ulica 3, Novaki
10431Sveta Nedelja
+385 1 349 60 10

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