Within the framework of the Strategic Research- Innovation Partnership Factories of the Future (SRIP FoF), the main objective is to bring together Slovenian research and industry. Together we are identifying breakthrough products, services and technologies for the factories of the future. This will create the possibility of efficient production at home, enabling competitiveness and further development in the global economy.
We create a supportive environment with professional services for industry and research institutions that address future human resource challenges. In this way, we ensure rapid knowledge transfer to industry and new content for the education system.
The SRIP FoF works on the following priorities:
- robotic and laser systems and components,
- advanced green technologies,
- intelligent control systems for the factories of the future,
- smart mechatronic tools and
- smart factories.
In addition, we are working on five key enabling technologies:
- robotics,
- control technologies,
- photonics,
- plasma technologies,
- modern production methods, and nano and quantum technologies.

SRIP Tovarne prihodnosti; Institut Jožef Stefan
Tržaška cesta 134
1000 Ljubljana