Čiščenje hotelskih sob
Pri čiščenju hotelskih sob so zelo pomembni nivo čistoče, ki mora biti v hotelu maksimalna in vonj, da gost stopi v sobo, ki prijetno diši. Vse to je potrebno doseči v kratkem času, da lahko čistilec učinkovito očisti čim več sob. Pri tem je pomembna uporaba različnih rokavic, krp in čistil pri čiščenju različnih površin. Zagotovljena mora biti transparentnost postopkov čiščenja, da je delo enostavno in ni stresno za čistilca ter ergonomija opreme, da čistilec nima fizičnega napora. Pomembna je tudi ekologija čiščenja, da ne onesnažujemo okolja in ne vplivamo na zdravje čistilca. Le tako so rezultati maksimalna čistoča hotelske sobe in zadovoljni gostje.
Triliant vam ponuja opremo in vam svetuje pri vzpostavitvi higiene v restavracijah, hotelih in ostalih objektih, kjer je pomemben postopek čiščenja za doseganje zahtevanega nivoja čistoče. Ponujamo vam čistila, pripomočke in stroje, ki vam omogočajo učinkovito čiščenje in zadovoljstvo gostov in zaposlenih.
Cleaning of hotel rooms
When cleaning hotel rooms the level of cleanliness must be immaculate; the smell, when guests enter the room – pleasant. This is to be achieved in the shortest term, so that the janitor may effectively clean as many rooms as possible. In order that janitors´ work is easy and not stressful, there must be transparency in the cleaning procedures; the equipment should be ergonomic and different gloves, rags and detergents should be used for different surfaces. The ecological aspect of cleaning is also important – the used products should not pollute the environment and influence the janitor´s health. Only then the results are perfectly clean room and satisfied guests.
Triliant offers you equipment and advises how to achieve the required level of cleanliness in restaurants, hotels and other premises that belong to the hospitality industry. Our cleaning products, appliances and machines allow you to effectively clean the desired areas and satisfy your guests and employees.
Za več informacij obiščite http://www.triliant.si