
MB-NAKLO: Vacuum Components Schmalz

Vacuum technology is in demand in a variety of industry sectors and is utilized in many ways ranging from individual components to complete solutions. Schmalz is one of the world’s leading providers, combining decades of experience and comprehensive expertise with the ambition to create custom solutions for our customers from industry and trade. We help companies in the automation technology, handling technology and clamping technology sectors to design their production processes more efficiently and strike new paths with the help of vacuum technology.

Vacuum Suction Cups

The product range of company SCHMALZ includes a variety of suction cups with various shapes, sizes and materials, providing the right suction cup for every application. Suction cups consist of a elastomer part and a connection nipple.

Special Grippers

Special grippers can be used for applications in which regular suction pads cannot generate a vacuum. Schmalz offers a variety of special grippers with various shapes, sizes and principles of operation.

Mounting Elements

Schmalz offers a wide range of mounting possibilities for integrating suction pads or special grippers into a vacuum system.

Vacuum Generators

Vacuum generators provide the required vacuum. The vacuum is generated either pneumatically (ejectors) or electrically (pumps, blowers). Ejectors offer intelligent functions for energy and process control.


More info:
MB-NAKLO d.o.o.
051 354 904

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