V podjetju Bent se s profesionalno čistočo ukvarjamo od leta 1971. Smo eden izmed vodilnih ponudnikov strojev, opreme in čistil v regiji Slovenije, Hrvaške, Srbije, BiH in Črne gore.
Glede na specifiko vašega objekta in procesov, tipa nečistoč in površine, vam pomagamo pri implementaciji postopkov čiščenja. Svetujemo in nudimo vam
- Kombinirane čistilne stroje, enoploščne stroje, pometalne stroje
- Čistila za dnevno in generalno čiščenje, industrijska in CIP čistila
- Sanitarni in industrijski papir ter ustrezne podajalnike in dozirnike
- Sesalnike za odsesovanje v industriji, ekstrakcijske stroje in druge sesalnike
- Pripomočke za ročno čiščenje: vozičke, mope, krpe, pripomočke za živilsko industrijo
Skrbimo za pravočasno dostavo strojev, opreme in potrošnega materiala ter za hiter odziven čas servisa in servisiranje na terenu
Bent is active in the field of professional cleaning since 1971. We are one of the leading suppliers in the region of Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, BiH and Montenegro.
According to your premises, process specifics and type of dirt and surfaces we advise you the most appropriate cleaning procedures. We offer and advise you to choose the most appropriate
- Scrubber drier, single disc machines, sweepers and other cleaning machines
- Chemicals for daily or general cleaning, coaters, CIP chemicals in food processing and other industry specific chemicals
- Sanitary, hygiene and industrial paper with appropriate dispenser
- Vaccums for cleaning contractors, centralized vacuuming systems for industries and for use in construction, extraction machines
- Tools for hand cleaning from cloths, trolleys to food industry specific and certified tools
With on time deliveries of machines and consumable goods as well as with regular machine maintenance, fast response and on the filed servicing, we keep your processes running smoothly.