
Zaitec: Obiščite nas na razstavnem prostoru A201 – Visit us at our exhibition booth A201.

V podjetju Zaitec d.o.o. s prihodom nemške blagovne znamke Adlatus na slovenski trg, kot njihov distributer, predstavljamo visokotehnološki proizvod futurističnih lastnosti. Adlatus avtonomni robot za čiščenje površin je proizvod nemške inovacije, kakovosti in najnovešje tehnologije. Proizvajalec že 20 let uspešno razvija in izvaja inovativne rešitve z najnovejšimi tehnologijami in danes smo del tega razvoja deležni tudi pri nas.

Prizadevamo si za spodbujanje izboljšav našega poslovanja. S trdim delom in nenehnim samoizpolnjevanjem smo konkurenčni na slovenskem in tujem trgu. S trženjem kakovostnih izdelkov in storitev ter profesionalnostjo pri vseh nalogah, smo postali priljubljeno podjetje naših interesnih skupin.


With the arrival of the German brand Adlatus on the Slovenian market, in the company Zaitec d.o.o. as their distributor, we present a high-tech product of futuristic features. The Adlatus autonomous robot for surface cleaning is a product of German innovation, quality and the latest technology. For 20 years the manufacturer successfully develops and implements innovative solutions with the latest technologies and today we are part of this development also in our country.

We strive to promote improvements in our business. With hard work and constant self-fulfillment, we are competitive on the Slovenian and foreign markets. By marketing quality products and services and professionalism in all tasks, we have become a popular company of our interest groups.

Zaitec- Reinigungsroboter

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