Napredek računalniške tehnologije je prinesel nova načrtovalska orodja, ki so omogočila razmah potrošniške elektronike. Naprave so vedno manjše in elektronsko bogate, mehanski deli pa oblikovno in produkcijsko bolj zahtevni. Kljub napredku pa so načrtovalska orodja in procesi ostali medsebojno ločeni in omejeni na svojo stroko. Rešitev, ki te težave odpravlja, je SolidWorks PCB, program za načrtovanje tiskanih vezij, ki združuje dodelano tehnologijo in zmogljivosti programskega orodja Altium Designer z intuitivnim in enostavnim uporabniškim vmesnikom 3D modelirnega programa SolidWorks. Gre za tesno integracijo, saj imamo preko namenskega strežnika v vsakem trenutku realno stanje o celotnem elektronskem in mehanskem dela vezja. S tem se skrajša čas načrtovanja izdelka, saj elektro in mehanski inženir lahko delata sočasno na istem projektu.
The progress of computer technology has brought new design tools that have enabled growth of consumer electronics. The devices are getting smaller and electronically rich, and mechanical parts are more demanding in design and production. Despite the progress, design tools and processes remain mutually separate and limited to their profession. Solution to these problems is SolidWorks PCB, a programme for designing printed circuit boards that combine the built-in technology and capabilities of Altium Designer with the intuitive and easy-to-use user interface of the SolidWorks 3D modeling program. This is a close integration which develops embedded electrical system designs in a real-time through a dedicated server. This shortens the design time of the product, as the electrical and mechanical engineer can work simultaneously on the same project.